Nov 22, 2011 21:16

Since nominations opened I've been bouncing around people's LJs, checking out their Yuletide letters, thanks to this handy spreadsheet, investigating every fandom I'm remotely interested in, bookmarking a heap for potential Treats when my own fic is finished.

Yesterday it was announced that assignments were going out today. And then last night
zebra363 came over for a couple of hours and talked Yuletide to me and got me all overexcited, so that when the geriatric pets woke me THREE times during the night, my very first waking thought every time was YULETIDE!!!!!!!!

So, got my assignment today. BEST ASSIGNMENT EVER. I am unbelievably thrilled to have received this prompt in this fandom. It is pretty much exactly what I would have picked myself. The details vary, but in new and exciting directions, yay!

It is also going to be a huge, not to say daunting, challenge. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!!!!

I've stayed with my tradition of offering five fandoms I haven't previously written in, and one ring in, ie, one that I've only written a tiny amount and wouldn't mind writing more. I also, as usual, made sure I include one scary one that would be a huge challenge to write...guess which one I got? *G* This is my sixth Yuletide, and the third time I've ended up with the scary one. Just lucky, I guess. It's been a ride!

Having the sign ups summary, knowing what characters have been specified, and the Yuletide letters spreadsheet is an interesting development these last couple of years. In the old days you pretty much blindly offered to write in x number of fandoms and you got what you were given. Now you can be inspired by a interesting prompt to offer fandoms you hadn't thought of. And you can influence it to a certain extent. When you enter the fandoms you're prepared to write in, you choose from a list of characters that people have nominated, so for example if your favourite one isn't there, you might decide not to offer it.

I chose three very rare fandoms this year, so rare that I got worried no one was going to offer them when it got to the last day of sign ups and there were no offers (not that I was conpulsively checking the sign ups summary or anything) and then when I checked after sign ups closed, I'd had one offer each for Regular Guys and The Champions and two for The Defiant Ones. YAYAYAYAY. I tried not to look (if there'd been a single offer I would have known what I fandom I was receiving a fic for) but I have no self control.

Hee, last night when I was excitedly telling Zebra about all the interesting prompts, and specifically how somebody had requested Lewis and said they were up for anything including a zombie apocalypse, and I'd had this great idea for a couple of thousand word snapshot of Lewis and Hathaway dealing with a zombie apocalypse but then all day my brain had insisted on creating an entire set up and plot for the fic and how it was really exciting and made me feel like a Real Writer...

Zebra: You must focus on your main story omg! It's not fair to your recipient if you write a longer, better Treat fic! And also it's not fair to the other writer if your fic is longer! OMG!
Me *bewildered* How could you think I would do that?
Zebra: You said-
Dragonfly: No, she said she CAN'T write it now.

Note to self - 2012: a zombie apocalypse in Oxford!

lewis, intensely focussed, yuletide

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