Jun 12, 2011 19:32

I love Dean. And Jenson - he can't even keep a straight face when he has to say the following lines, his mouth twitches, his eyes are laughing. "I'll stay here and hook up with the posse. You know me, I'm a posse magnet. I love posse...should put that on a t-shirt."

AHAHHAHHAHAHA, Dean just quoted Blazing Saddles!!! *falsetto* Candygram for Mongo!

In other news, we saw Xmen First Class this morning. I LOVE EVERY. SINGLE. THING. ABOUT IT.

My favourite characters were Mystique and Magneto. I totally get them now. And the baby!Xmen were adorable.

*cough* I also get why everyone is all like "Michael Fassbinder! Michael Fassbinder!"

supernatural, xmen, movie recs

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