Enough is enough.

Sep 02, 2010 20:32

Apparently I'm switching to dreamwidth.

I'm still crossposting to and reading LJ, so I'd ask that no one link my posts to Facebook or Twitter. Mostly because I find Facebook very scary.

Um, content?

I wrote a fic - first time I've been inspired this year. Mind you, who wouldn't be inspired by Sherlock. *hearts* Took a prompt from a friend to get me started though, of all things, a m/m/m threesome. Not normally my thing at all and Sherlock/John are totally an OTP, but seriously, Rupert Graves makes *everything* better.

Making Room Sherlock/John/Lestrade.

This entry was originally posted at http://sarren.dreamwidth.org/500.html.

sherlock, threesome, my fic

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