The other day when I was thinking how last week's Dr Who is definitely in my Top 10 list, I realised it's been so long that my list needs updating (as you do). As I don't actually have enough time to rewatch the entire last four seasons I spent last night rewatching all my favourite scenes from all the eps. *wallows*
So, by cheating and including double eps as one when they were both awesome I turned out to have nine. And now I have just watched this week's episode and got number 10 locked in. Just for sheer Doctor awesomeness *FLAILS* God I love this season.
In the meantime, in chronological order:
1.9-1.10 The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
2 8-2.9 The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
3.8-3.9 Human Nature/Family of Blood
3.10 Blink
4.02 The Fires of Pompeii
4.10 Midnight
4.11 Turn Left
4.12-4.13 The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
5.10 Vincent and the Doctor
5.11 The Lodger
I feel sorry for Martha. Rose was *Rose* and will always be the one who the Doctor loved. Donna was amazing in so many ways, and got to do unique and amazing stuff. Now we have Amy, who is for the most part, universally beloved and gets this amazing chemistry with Eleven. Martha got to be Earnest and to pine after the Doctor.
I realised last night watching Ten hug Sarah Jane and say affectionately, "My Sarah Jane" that I have finally got over my thing about the Sexxin' Up of the Doctor Destroying My Childhood. The Dreamlord confirming that the Doctor slept with Elizabeth I (and others) was the nail in the coffin, so to speak.
I really liked how they brought the Doctor back with Chris Eccleston as angry and traumatised and just a little bit mad, but rewatching all three doctors in one sitting made me realise that:
- I don't really enjoy watching Nine anymore. Eccleston doesn't really do 'The Doctor'
- I had forgotten how awesome Ten was most of the time, because I was so over him and his delusions of godhood by the end (biased much?)
- Eleven rocks my world. I finally have *The Doctor* back.
Now that I'm over my hangups about the Doctor as a sexual being I can confirm there are a few cute Eleven/Amy/Rory and Eleven/Amy/Vincent fics on Archive of Our Own, and also this is good -
Seventeen Things That Happen to Rory Williams It's a non-spoilery AU where Rory and Amy have been off having adventures with the Doctor and Amy died, and Rory carries on. It's G-rated Eleven/Rory.