ST:Reboot Recs 15#

Jul 23, 2009 17:53


Mostly 'Kirk and McCoy snarking' lots of slash references but ends up being surprise!gen fic (which was COOL) Creeping Up The Backstairs


This writer seems to be writing most of the awesome Gaila fic out there, long may she continue! Summary: Spock needs sex advice. Gaila is happy to provide it, and she doesn't see why Spock shouldn't get himself off while he listens. Good thing logic is on her side. Surak and Socrates Want You to Masturbate

Gaila and Uhura find common ground. en pointe, and sway


This is lovely! Post-film. Earth-style Romantic Gestures


Summary: Gaila only wanted to do something nice. What I'm Trying To Say


Very amusing! 5 of the times Bones was unexpectedly naked and the one time it was expected

h/c - Kirk seems to be in a coma. Est. relationship. I can't decide if the title is really clever or too cutsey, possibly I should not overthink it, god knows I suck at titles. and i am falling apart under the waves


I really like this. Kirk is persistent. G rated. Optimist


Romantic. Home

Bones/Spock, Spock/Bones, Kirk/Bones, Kirk/Spock

This is quite amusing crack! but then there's the sequel *points below* Summary: ALIENS FORCED THEM TO DO IT SPOCK/MCCOY with one pissed off Kirk cause yknow K/S is practically canon. Keep Your Clothes On!

Awesome crack! Kirk is so resigned! Sequel to Keep Your Clothes On! wherein Aliens keep making them do it 5 Times Kirk had to Watch and the One Time He Hit That Like the Fist of Angry God


Stuck in a Jeffries tube!! The Effects of Tight Quarters on Close Friendships

"Five times Chekov/Sulu were lost in translation, one time they weren't." What?


SGA - Kirk/Sheppard. Amusing!! Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix)

Dr Who, gen - The crew of the Enterprise are taken aback by the arrival of a blue box and a rather over-excited man on the bridge. The Encounter


I'm not reading these so have at thee - Notes: Specifically, this list will only link to 'always was the opposite gender' material. Genderswap masterlist!

I HAVE NOT READ THESE (YET) Someone else's rec listMostly Spock/Kirk with McCoy/Kirk & gen fics here and there.

fic recs, star trek

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