(no subject)

Jul 14, 2009 10:01

When Ianto died my first reaction was anger and dismay that yet again the gay character had to die. But once I could think about it (and I was in denial for a while) it's clear to me that it's not about that, or at least not in the way people are reading it

Ianto died because he was important to Jack. And so did Steven, and he's lost Alice as well. And Tosh and Owen not very long ago. This show is about JACK'S tragedy.

They spent the first three episodes showing us how their relationship was becoming IMPORTANT, not 'showing that Ianto takes it up the ass and therefore has to die, and how could RTD of all people do that', as I saw one person say.

I don't know why they had Clem harp on about "the queer" - maybe to show that Ianto was defensive about it, to show that their relationship development wasn't all sunshine and roses and as easy as the previous episodes made it seem when it was just something that took place in the sanctuary of the Hub. That it was hard but that Ianto was doing it anyway because Jack was worth it. I mean, this series was also about showing Ianto's hidden depths - when his sister revealed that Ianto had been lying to them, that they didn't know him at all. *THAT* broke my heart.

And at the risk of quibbling - my favourite moment was Ianto's vulnerability when he 'fessed up to his sister and said "It's not men. It's just him. It's only him."

torchwood, gay, meta

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