I'm seeing a lot of bitterness and "way to go - kill the queer". People who think that, do they seriously believe RTD killed Ianto because he's queer?
Ianto died because he got close to Jack. Do we need the roll call of everyone Jack has loved and lost? Jack Harkness is a TRAGIC CHARACTER. He's an immortal. The only way for him NOT to be tragic would be if he kept himself apart, and didn't allow himself to care. Just like the Doctor or Methos. It's only when they care that we care about them.
And also? Before I went to bed last night I had two ways to resurrect Ianto.
Cupidsbow has more here (and explains way more eloquently why Ianto's death is NOT THE END)
I have googled and discovered military assassin chick is called Agent Johnson. I love that her gender was completely irrelevant, it could easily have been a male actor in the role. I love that she continued to be motivated about what she believed was the right thing to do - she didn't change sides because she had kids of her own, or suddenly got all mushy and 'oh noes not the kiddies'.
And how freakin awesome that the majority of the key players (on the side of 'good') were women. How often do we see that - HOW ABOUT NEVER.
And all the ordinary people that STEPPED UP and became extraordinary. Did anyone pick Bridget Spears for that?