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Comments 9

neery June 7 2009, 18:37:32 UTC
I agree with all your choices, but you've left out Gamesters of Triskelion! Spock, Chekov and Uhura get chained to a wall. Then they get dressed in leather harnesses and tortured with pain collars. Then there's a long scene where Kirk gets whipped while writhing around on the floor. Those ST: TOS producers were kind of a kinky bunch.

I enjoyed the bit in Turnabout Intruder where Spock and Kirk-in-a-woman's-body hold hands, and all the mindmeldy bits were nice. But otherwise the misogyny was a bit too heavy for me to enjoy that episode much.


sarren June 8 2009, 12:08:23 UTC
I don't like watching it, except for the K/S scenes. yay for fast forward buttons.

Gamesters of Triskellion was so hilariously bad. Have you seen the recent CSI episode where two of the lab techs turn out to be scifi geeks and go to a con, and the guy keeps fantasising scenes from the show but with him and the girl, and one is entirely lifted from Gamesters of Triskellion?


neery June 8 2009, 12:17:50 UTC
Ahahaha, no, I haven't seen that, but I should! CSI Vegas, or one of the offshoots?


sarren June 8 2009, 12:32:21 UTC
Er, Vegas? The original one, anyway.

It's pretty awesome, it isn't *mean*, you know? The show is called "Astro Quest" and the fans are called "Questers" but yeah, it's ST.

TV.com recap (no real spoilers).

The lab geeks at the con here, (wearing a wig) and here, having paid way to much for a "tricorder"


angriest June 8 2009, 01:48:10 UTC
I really dig City on the Edge of Forever, The Enterprise Incident, The Corbomite Maneuver, Amok Time, Space Seed and a bunch of others.

On a related note, I watched Terminator 4 yesterday and Anton Yelchin (neo-Chekov) is nearly unrecognisable as the young Kyle Reese - he has Michael Biehn's voice and facial mannerisms down perfectly.


sarren June 8 2009, 12:03:53 UTC
Ah, Space Seed. The one where there was a eugenics war in the 1990s. Guess someone went back in time and changed history. Again.

I remember the bluff in The Corbomite Manoeuver, but not much else. What was great about it? What others are your faves?

Weirdly, you're at least the fourth person to share this fact about Yelchin with me.


zebra363 June 17 2009, 13:57:34 UTC
I've just rewatched The Menagerie and I do like that one. I really like Number 1!


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