Dragonfly and I are of the opinion that Lucy Brown was pregnant during these episodes, because of the 'fat' clothes and the rounder face, and quite frankly, she looks quite drawn and tired. I googled and got people on messageboards being really indignant that people might think that just because she 'looks normal and not skinny' *shrug* Meanwhile, alarms are going off!!!
I love Jenny's body language here. She suspects the intruder could be Helen. "Prepare to shoot to kill," she says calmly, shoving her hands in her pockets.
Danny really wants in!
Jenny - I warned you to stay away from us, Danny.
Danny - See, I thought we were flirting. It's so hard to read women these days.
Lester - Could you pistol whip him, please?
Becker - Sir?
Lester *wistfully* Just a thought.
Abby and Connor all Growed Up and Competent!
Jenny in charge! I love how Becker spends most of his time at her shoulder. I may possibly ship them...just a little bit.
Connor, efficiently imparting urgent information to newly arrived on the scene TEAM! No, really.
They need bigger fucking guns* to follow the creature into the tunnels. Or you know, ANY.
I have NO idea what's going on with Abby and Becker's body language here.
Or here. However, Jenny has arrived, and she has ALL of Becker's attention.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch lab, Connor and Danny are so intent on their...bickering...that they are oblivious to the OOH SCARY MONSTER creeping up behind them. And it's not really creeping. They finally notice Sarah attempting warn them. Actually no, but eventually she discovers the intercom.
Moving on, Connor looks disturbingly hot carrying a flamethrower...I mean, in that outfit! I have a thing for men wearing red trousers. *nostalgic* Remember those cherry red jeans Methos wore?
To the rescue!!!
Back in the tunnels...
Jenny - Danny's on his way down with the flamethrowers.
Abby - Danny?
Jenny - He volunteered.
Becker *makes adorable squeaking noise* (really!!!!!!)
Abby - *pause* He's keen.
Jenny - That's one way of putting it.
Lot's of actiony/save the world stuff happens. *hand wave* Both Connor and Jenny nearly die. Lester gets to look concerned, maybe even worried, about his subordinates' lives TWICE during this episode. This is his concerned face. It's so CUTE.
TEAM! presenting a united front against the Mean Lady. I am so glad Danny is rugged and kinda wrinkled otherwise all the pretty would...actually, I don't know where I was going with that. SO MUCH PRETTY.
Danny has kind of boinged up the side of the stairs. He has very long legs. This piccie is here because of the way he calls Lester 'guv'.
Danny - Guv? What's the pay?
Lester - Next to nothing.
Danny - Seems fair.
And this piccie is here for the way the team kind of cluster together as Danny says 'Guys, what aren't you telling me?'
More stuff happens (I know, hard to believe), but it would be TOO SPOILERY to screencap. *gasp* Oh, except for the cute Lester/Connor scene at the end, but screencaps can't do that just anyway. Instead, have a couple of random piccies.
Becker and Danny eyeballing each other. This scene happened earlier in the episode, but really, context is irrevelant.
Oh and then there was that bit where Lester made one of his inappropriately timed sarcastic comments. Connor's face says it all.
To recap: YAY TEAM!!!!
*Quote from obscure Rutger Hauer scifi film.