grandmas birthday

Nov 24, 2004 21:35

I had a good, good day today.

Hung out with my Grandma a lot; coincidentally this year her birthday has fallen on my fortnightly visit, cos usually I'm forbidden to notice she's even having one.

On arrival I valiantly ignore the birthday cards on the sideboard and the unwrapped present.

Grandma *pissy* *waves towards present* Look what Pam brought me.
Me *la la la*
Grandma *glares*
Me *ignores*
Grandma *exasperated* You're allowed to say Happy Birthday and give me a kiss!!!
Me Make up your mind! *hides the Cadbury's chocolate liqueor in the fridge*

Later after food shopping for Grandma with only a slight detour through Pumpkin Patch and an insignificant purchase of pink and charcoal sneakers for Bunny, I'm blithely crushing her at scrabble.

(I pick on the weak and elderly)

Me 'So are you 93 now?
Grandma *glare of death* I'm 92! Are you TRYING to make it worse?
Me *innocent*
Grandma Was that a JOKE?

After that I went shopping. I stopped by Kmart to exchange bathers I bought for Bunny for a larger size, only they sent me to get the larger size myself. Those cunning…

Cos then I was in the kids wear section and there were so many cute little girl dresses (and some really inappropriate styles IMO) Luckily all the cute ones were pink and I've already bought her a new pink dress for Christmas.

Was it only 4 years ago that ours was a proudly pink-free household? How the holy hell did we end up with a little girlie girl?

So I avoided the dresses and managed to get away with only buying some Hi5 pink sandals for Bunny and some over-the-knee pink and grey socks for me and a Libra (as in the astrological sign) change purse for me and a new brush. And 'Signs' on dvd.

Got off lightly, really. Except for then I went into the nearby shoe shop and bought myself some odd pink shoes that are sort of mary-janes and sort of really not.

Three pairs of pink shoes purchased in the course of a single day. Where did it all go so terribly wrong?

So then I went home and it got dark and I decided to watch 'Signs'. In the dark.

Good plan.

That is one scary-ass film.

I think I'll keep all the lights on for a little while longer.

Edited to add Actually, you might want to not bother reading this unless

a. You know my Grandma


b. You love shoes nearly as much as you love fannish things.

shoe fetish, bunny, family, shop rec

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