Pride 2004

Oct 27, 2004 07:40

I screwed up the other night. I got the Saturday night off work to go the Pride Parade, which was fabulous as always, though it lost something not having Sandy marching (what the hell is she thinking being in some exotic other part of the world during Pride???). So, here I am, in the presence of alcohol, with no work the next day and also, not the designated driver. Chance to party!! Except then I forgot to overindulge...

*mourns* Obviously I'm getting old. Also evidenced by my wussing out of partying on at the Court later, not cos I didn't want to but because I wore my fabulous new boots, totally forgetting that it's been at least five years since I wore heels like that. and just standing watching the parade made the balls of my feet hurt...


So dumb. At least my sexy outfit made me fit in as I'm told by my friends that I looked like a drag queen! *glares at emma_in_oz and special_trille*

In other exciting news I had Korean BBQ the other night for the first time and loved it!! Trying new foods is always a bit of a gamble for me, my taste buds are very conservative, despite my best intentions. But since old, old (non-ljing) friends were taking me out to dinner I let them choose and we sat outside at this table with hot coals in the middle and my mates cooked my food for me (I prodded it occasionally and said things like "are you sure this is cooked (it was quite dark) I don't want food poisoning" - I'm so gracious) and we had a lovely lovely time. Even when the waiter smashed a bottle of beer right at my feet, splashing my beige seude coat, I didn't sweat it.

Side note for anyone who hasn't been out somewhere with me - If I don't break/spill something myself, guaranteed someone in my immediate vicinity will with absolutely no help from me

Also. Go read this. Trust me.

Edited to add Gah! Should have specified - people willing to read HP should go read the fic...sometimes I just forget that there are people who don't.

birthdays, pride, shoe fetish, fail, fic recs, hp, friendship

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