Elections and birthdays

Oct 13, 2004 22:01

My 'green not greed' t-shirt is nifty.

It conveys to the worid that I'm a 'barmy leftie' (as special_trille likes to describe us)
Also, it is very tiny and very green.

These are all good things, thus I decided to wear it on Saturday. So we go to vote, which as things never run smoothly in Sarren-land, it turns out that you can't wear advertise a political party within a certain radius of the voting booths. Apparently in case you cause people to change their political opinions in the time it takes them to queue and vote. What the?

So I ended up making more of a statement than I'd originally intended. The Greens pamphlet guy offered me a shirt from his car, but I went with the more fun option and flipped the t-shirt up so the slogan was covered. I mentioned it was really tight, right? Got quite a bit of attention while waiting in the queue.

Finally it's my turn.

Official - Name?
Me *gives full name*
Official *looking, looking*
Me *puts finger on name* There
Official - Address?
Me *gives address* I'm reading it right off the page. I'm actually totally somebody else.
Official - Is this the first time you've voted today?
Me - Yes. Unless you count the five other electorates I've already been around today.
Official - You'd need to go around more than five if you're voting Green.
Me *sob*

Also, I had a lovely birthday weekend, if you don't count the part where my country betrayed me. We had a party for ME on Sunday, which admittedly involved the first couple of hours being spent with all of us depressed and rehashing the election travesty, but after the sugar kicked in (other people get drunk, fans get sugar highs) we cheered up (though emma_in_oz was probably faking it for my sake) and people paid attention to me, and the world was good. Well, for me.

Big thank-yous to everyone who made my day lovely by washing-up, child-minding, tea-making or mostly importantly, paying attention to me. I love you all lots.

And then we watched one of my prezzies, Y Tu Mama Tambien , which rocked, and then everyone went home except zebra363 who sinks ever deeper into the bottomless pit of fandom, and has newly discovered the guilty pleasure of rewatching the 'good bits'. Over and over.

I love my friends.

green, gathering, zebra, political

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