mr_booboo accompanied me to the screening of
Climate of Hope.
Speaker introduces the film - 'The government are looking towards using nuclear power because it's clean energy with zero greenhouse emissions!'
Me *thinks* Wow really! That's good news!
Speaker - Let me first explain that in the past I was an Anti-Nuclear protester.
Me *thinks* Wow, this must be good!
What we got was 27 minutes of how EVIL AND TERRIFYING NUCLEAR ENERGY IS and how it's totally NOT EMISSION-FREE and three minutes of these-are-the-clean-alternatives-yay!
Me *bangs head repeatedly on desk*
mr_booboo WE ARE NOT DOOMED!!!
Of course, then I had to go tell the guy that the title of the film was misleading and really, I needed more than three minutes of hope at the end, and his explanation? He ran out of time. Then I gently explained how he could improve his speaking voice, because I'm helpful like that.
But then we had dinner and cake and coffee with
special_trille and
haunted_attics which cheered me up until an accidental lapse of attention at a crucial moment put me behind in the Token White Girl (TWG) running.*
mr_booboo and I went back to her place and watched the new Heroes episode and it featured my two favourite characters a lot and it was GOOD, even if it did make me shout at the telly a lot.
*Mr Booboo and Haunted Attics haven't made up their minds who gets to replace Special Trille as their TWG friend while she's in China next month. It's between me and