Fun time with equine types

May 23, 2004 23:38

So if zebra363 ever gets tired of doing arcane things to horses' feet and fancies a career change I'm thinking indoor house painting might be the way to go. The colour scheme is fab and the quality of the work very professional looking and she did it ALL HERSELF. I did volunteer to help at the time but Zebra may have taken the unenthusiastic tone of voice to mean that I didn't want to help. I can't imagine why she'd assume that....

Meanwhile Zebra had cooked up a storm, so much so that even arriving two and a half hours late as I did, there was still much yummy stuff left for me.

Was surprised to find myself dragged off to engage in physical activity immediately after by Emma, of all people. Cos she has this petanque set (apparently called Bull by plebs) I get to call it by a spiffy foreign name having been introduced to it first in Mauritius. I got all excited when I first saw the box with the balls in - I thought we were up for a rousing game of Quidditch. Alas. But much fun was had anyway.

Emma did manage to injure herself slightly throwing the ball. But since she had earlier managed to fall off her chair (I missed that, disappointingly) I'm just glad we ended the game when we did.

Then Zebra gave me the grand tour of the property that I'd also missed out on before, at an exhilarating pace that didn't allow for me to watch my step as carefully as I really would have wished. My sneakers may never be the same.


The horses are as cute as ever, and looking well in their new home. Must take Zebra up on her offer to ride one soon...

Trip home in the dark was challenging. Managed to nearly take out an animal just short of the township. I thought it was a fox by the colouring, but on second thought I maybe it was too big. cricketk?special_trille? You were just behind me, did you see what it was?

After 15 minutes of obeying the speedlimit, maybe a bit slower on the curves, and when passing roadtrains, was overtaken by cricketk which, while it deprived me of my 'Lost Highway' sensation I always get when speeding into pitch darkness, did make the trip more relaxing for me, as it's much easier to follow another car, even when the driver of the other car apparently regards speed limits as guidelines, rather than rules...

20k's over, Cricket?

shakes head Shocked, I tell you.

Anyway, I had a really fun time, thanks for having us over, Zebra!

shoe fetish, cricket, zebra, gaming

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