Must. not. succumb. to the. badness.

May 04, 2006 01:39

So Boston Legal, huh. Watched an episode back when it started, cos, hello? James Spader. But his character was unprincipled and not nice and I didn't watch it again til Iast week, when I happened over an ep where his character was having night terrors and wanted someone to come and sleep with him to stop him plunging from his balcony. And in the end it was William Shatner's character who was sleeping over and then coincidently I read an interview with Spader where he talks about spooning with Shatner and what he smelled like and by god I hope it was tongue in cheek and then I just caught the end of this week's ep and he's still sleeping over and just then I was wandering through a random lj and they were linking to Alan/Denny slash, which I of course went and read even though it took me two fics to work out which character was which and I'd just like to say that reading slash about a 70 year old William Shatner character is just wrong on so many levels and now my brain is broken and also when did James Spader's face become so weirdly puffed up?

boston legal

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