(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 17:49

LJ is ODD today.

I did this post earlier, and hit update so I could proofread it on a friends page like I always do, realised I needed to lj cut it and also add a couple of things. So I did that, and then realised that something was phooey but I had to go do RL stuff so I changed it to private and went away. Came back now to realise I stuffed up and doubleposted and the completed, lj-cutted one was private and the stupid one wasn't. (I swear I hit Edit Entry)

SO. SORRY. About that.

And then I deleted the private one, changed the one that had already been commented on to be cut and complete, chucked it back on friendslock...and it didn't show up on my friends pages. AT ALL. So I've just publicked it and am hoping it's okay and running away to catch up on all the (2) Atlantis episodees I've missed....

It's not like it was important anyhow


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