Jan 11, 2006 16:03
yay updatin the lj! Its been ages I know and my last updates were like crazed and boring lol. But now! I'm done with skool so thankful about that. I've applied for a few positions but they're notoriously bad at getting back to folks in a timely manner ;) so in the mean time I'm working on some stuff for my mom. Its rather boring (yay uploading files!) but it pays rather well, so I get to sit around all day on my puter and getting paid! Course I'm sort of ignoring everything else, but I want to get this done for my mom.
I'll prolly still be dark on my online activities for a while, so have patience please :D
Saw Brokeback mountain with Kimmie. Was nice to have a girlie outing, but it was way sad. I hadn't looked at spoilers or anything so I didn't know exactly how sad the end was going to be, so not prepared. Ahh well, it was still good though! *recommends*
Imma make dinner today methinks, should be good *mmm food* we've been eating out so often lately, i really want something a little less processed.
I think that's about it for me. Seriously, its mostly been sitting around of late.
Hope everyone had happy hollidays and so forth and welcome the new year!