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Feb 20, 2007 12:45

I finally got around to picking up KH:COM 2 at the bookstore today. And I fell more than a little in lust with Axel all over again. Also, it's kind of fun trying to count the number of sides in Castle Oblivion in order to figure out if he's a double, triple, or quadruple-crosser.

Side 1: Marluxia, Larxene. The members of the Organization that are attempting to overthrow the Organization.
Goal: To gain control of Sora to overthrow of the Organization.
Was Axel ever aligned with them? Yes.
Side 2: The basement crew. Zexion, Lexaeus, Vexen. Loyal members of the Org.
Goal: To gain control of Riku to counterbalance Marluxia and Sora. Arguable as to what their ultimate goal is, but I'll say the preservation of the Org for now.
Was Axel ever aligned with them? Yes, to some extent. Part of the same Org, and after he double-crossed Marluxia ostensibly for betraying the Org, it might have been a reasonable assumption that he wouldn't. You know. Sick Repliku on Zexion.
Side 3: Sora, Donald, Goofy. The hero trio.
Goal: To wander through Castle Oblivion obliviously. O Sora. If I had to define a goal, I'd say to find Riku, and return home, preferably without becoming Marluxia's puppet. At times, the goal's also to protect Namine, but. Ultimately, even when Namine was most important, if Sora had been forced to choose between her and Riku, I can't imagine that he'd choose Namine.
Was Axel ever aligned with them? Um. Actually, Axel's main goal is to keep Sora out of Marluxia's hands. And I don't think he'd kill Sora to do it except at very last resort for fear of what would happen to Roxas. So I'd say that yeah, Axel is aligned with them, and he doesn't ever betray them. Unless I felt like pumping up Axel's betrayal count.
Side 4: The mouse and his boy. Not really involved with Axel, so irrelevant here.
Goal: To get home, safe and sane and not under the control of the Org, thanks.
Side 5: Namine's side. This side only consists of Repliku after Namine alters his memories. Sora could arguably be on this side, but considering his ultimate decision, I'm saying not. Namine is not on her side, by the way. She starts off on Marluxia's side, and moves to Sora's side, but her life is never her priority.
Goal: To protect Namine.
Was Axel ever aligned with them? Yes, when he let Namine out. So I suppose he could be said to betray her when he said he didn't mind going through her to kill Marluxia.
Side 6: DiZ.
Goal: Revenge on his ex-boytoy.
Was Axel ever aligned with them? Hahaha no. Although I kind of think Axel/DiZ hatesex would be hot.

So Axel doublecrossed sides 1, 2, and 5. Arguably 3, arguably not. I think I'll call him a quadruple-crosser just for the fun of it.

Also, in some ways I'm kind of disappointed they didn't keep the Repliku surviving Namine breaking his heart. Judging from the rest of KH's logic, in the game when he survived after Namine broke his heart, I pretty much assume that Repliku was a Nobody. (Kirux? Ruxik? Anyway...) Or perhaps a similar type of Nobody that Namine was, because after all, neither of their hearts were ever taken over by darkness. I wish the manga had played with that some.

On the other hand, that's what fanfiction's for!

Also, I've been re-re-reading 1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus. Again. I really find it interesting, and it really makes me wish that there were more decent pre-Columbus American history books. Even if reading about what is effectly the destruction of an entire continent's worth of culture, not to mention the deaths of millions of people from disease, can be more than a little depressing.

Especially considering I'm studying Africa this semester. Which can also be oh my god depressing. Not to mention that some of the videos my professor has shown with the effects of some of the diseases in Africa kind of made me very glad I didn't eat lunch.

I would ask why all the cultures I'm intrigued by because I know absolutely nothing about them are so bloody depressing to study, but I think I've just answered my question. Especially if you also consider that I know nothing about them because they're deemed unimportant, meaning they've lost and/or are desperately poor.

essay-ish, book list, kh

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