I have new bras! That fit!
Considering my old ones were falling apart, this is a very good thing. Now, if only I could find a coat that actually fit me. Since LA's having one of the coldest winters on record, and I'm fucking freezing. (Also, the lemons on the lemon tree are ruined because of the freezing weather. D:)
The Nabreus Deadlands keep killing me. I think I need to level up.
The Wizard of London by Mercedes Lackey: A++ for insomnia.
Finished up Rivers of Gold: something something something, a history of the Spanish empire from Columbus to Magellan. Pretty interesting, but terribly dry writing. I swear, the inability of most historians to actually write pisses me off to no end. A note to any historians. You are writing the most fascinating story of all. If I'm reading about the beginning of an empire and the conquest of an entire civilization, I should not be bored out of my mind. Still, certainly not the worst history book I've read.
Also finished The Gameplayers of Zan by something Foster, I think. Kept stopping reading this because it was incredibly slow to get into. I bought the omnibus edition, so I have the rest of the series, but I'm still debating whether or not I'll read it. Eh. Depends on how bored I get, I guess.
Currently starting: Heirs of Empire by David Weber, some sequel to the Wizard of Oz series, and Time Enough for Love by Heinlein. And the sequel to Gameplayers of Zan. I have an attention span of less than three seconds, I swear.