Tis the Season for Giving

Jun 04, 2005 00:54

Dammit. This soundtrack really is getting catchy. Must...resist...

I think I've taken care of Father's Day tonight, ho ho ho. It's always so bloody hard buying things for my father - short of, y'know, tools, the guy just never seems to want anything. Well, there's shirts. I bought him a couple of actually glowing shirts at his birthday, and they're...well...still glowing. (Really. When he wears the yellow one, it's like a secondary sun in orbit. My corneas may never recover.) But this year, I've had a clever little idea. 'Cause he's completely addicted to Stephen King audiobooks now.

I noticed tonight that Audible.com is having a special summer bargain where you can sign up for their free trial and get a couple of books totally free. So, I did it - and I downloaded Bag of Bones and Black House, two Stephen Kings we've been unable to get on CD through the library. That's about $80 worth - I took care of my 'buy one audiobook full price' requirement by buying one of the Colonial House Player's Oz dramatizations, Ozma of Oz, which I've been interested in for a while...and cost a rollicking $5.95! Now I just have to go buy a couple of 25 disc-capacity CD wallets and burn these suckers off for my Dad. Perfect Father's Day gift, and well within my budget. Hooray, hooray. Add a nice card and the world is happy. :)

Meanwhile, I have a real solid handle on the birthdays I have to acknowledge in June, and that feels good. (Hiya, boys - what was it with our parents in the cold winter months? Although I was supposed to be an August baby...) A couple of them won't go out til a little late in the month, though.

Otherwise a rather ho-hum day here. I tried to get into a book about the Great Plague of London, and I'm not sure whether I'll give it much time or not. It just doesn't look like something I'd get through very quickly, and I'm starting to realize I have too many books out from various libraries to waste much time. Oh well. Not really a bad thing, giving up on a so-so book, it's just very unlike me. I mean, I made it to the end of Lucifer's Hammer! I can do anything! And maybe I just have a masochistic streak...I dunno. It just seems wrong to start on a piece of writing and then give up on it. And as several libraries can tell you, that special little character quirk of mine can be very profitable when exploited. Oh yes, librarians love to recommend book to me. I'm such a sucker...

I really want to get up tomorrow and blaze out of the house for several hours. Not too sure where to go, though. Hmm. Maybe I'll just find a quiet spot to read or write.
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