"Ring the Freedom Bell"

Aug 05, 2011 12:00

This one was inspired by, though not written for, the hoodie_time tags challenge. By tags I didn't want to write! It's AU from 6.21, so spoilers through that ep.

Summary: Major Vazhnikov knows how to deal with spies. But he's not prepared for what's lurking in this one's brain... or what's coming to bust him out.

Ring the Freedom Bell (PG-13) )

spn, mission: impossible

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Comments 12

rince1wind August 6 2011, 06:16:48 UTC
Very nice!


ramblin_rosie August 6 2011, 06:34:33 UTC
Thanks! :)


(The comment has been removed)

ramblin_rosie August 6 2011, 19:58:35 UTC
Poor Dean, indeed! The things we put him through.... *shakes head* ;)
Thanks! It turned out a lot better than I was expecting. :D


randomstasis August 6 2011, 20:57:08 UTC
codename "Loki!" hee!
"“A horror film that will not now be produced.”

Interesting that the brothers manage to avoid time paradoxes with their documentation- but why didn't they disappear after warning Mary? Does this mean the Trickster or Bobby/Rufus actually stopped the YED?

And I think it's terribly mean that Dean still has flashbacks to Hell, even after it didn't happen;( Poor Russians..


ramblin_rosie August 6 2011, 21:20:36 UTC
Hee, thanks!
I lean toward the Stargate school of time travel--people and items from one timeline don't necessarily (or even usually) disappear when the timeline changes. Dean's flashbacks and the Great Wall of Sam... some scars are easier to erase than others, alas. :( And since they hadn't actually stopped Azazel before Dean was captured, the events that caused those memories might not have been completely changed yet. Just warning Mary might not be enough if the only change she made was not going into Sam's nursery.
As for what happens offscreen and after Gabriel springs Dean? Well, if the characters tell me, I'll write a sequel.... ;)


etrix October 2 2011, 04:40:25 UTC
I always like stories that play with the 'if I change this one thing' trope. I like the way you play with the boys' memories, bits dropping out as they change things. I wonder if Cas realized what he was doing when he sent them back without any leashes?

Enjoyable read. Thank you.


ramblin_rosie October 2 2011, 05:36:05 UTC
Thank YOU for reading! :) And no, I don't think Cas was thinking clearly when he sent them back on their own without a clear mission. It just seemed like the surest way of keeping them out of his way in the present--not thinking at ALL about what could possibly change in the past.


etrix October 2 2011, 16:19:32 UTC
Well, to be fair, he had sent them back before (Dean twice) and nothing had changed. He was obviously working in the 'because it never has' school of thought. =p


katsheswims November 8 2011, 02:45:45 UTC
I loved it!

Though I hope that if Sam and Dean were never born-THIS Sam and Dean still exist, even if they only have vague memories of their past/the alternate future.

Keep up the good work!


ramblin_rosie November 8 2011, 03:53:02 UTC
Oh, they definitely do still exist--I'm several pages into the sequel. :D
Thank you!


katsheswims November 8 2011, 03:56:17 UTC
Yay! I'm looking forward to it!!


elliemurasaki February 6 2012, 03:50:31 UTC


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