Mar 12, 2004 13:26
yeah so im so wicked bored and in crounsy's class once again. i never even have to go 6th period, that class is such a shit peice. "you wont be able to make it in ap if you cant make it here" yeah, fuck you mrs.chromey b/c your class is so easy i could pass with flying colors if i slept the entire time and didnt read anything youve assigned this year...oh wait...that is the class. when did english become such a joke?
yesterday was josh's birthday. he turned the big 1-5. wow, im such a child molester. i never even think about how old we are and its really weird to acknowledge the fact that he is a little over 2 years younger than me. wow. well, i hoope he had a good birthday, hes been ill lately and puking in a bucket. he seemed fine when i saw him though. i saw him for like 2 hours last night. he got an xbox. pretty hott.
i spent the majority of yesterday afternoon in the company of adam and swifty and those type folk. i met a girl named nadine who was very nice, but a little strange. we spent most of the time standing outside gallery of sound...damn, it was kinda boring after a while, but adam promised we do something fun today.
i was supposed to go see secret window tonight w/ sarah, but she doesnt feel like driving so ill prolly spend the nightlike hours relaxing with josh. i was hoping we could maybe have a 1 am friday's night tonight. but its all up to lauren and t.
wow, i totally dont remember doing this mock-un conferance shitter in crounses class...these kids are ka-razy. speaking of crazy, today i said hi to andy vives and he punched me in the arm and made a horrible sound. it was really sick. im worried about his mental welfare. i think hes anxious b/c pablos coming home...check out the community for more on that story....
well thats all for now sexies.