What I’ve learned about blogging is that it’s much easier to work harder on your blog than it is to not work hard. OK, what I really mean is this; if I wait to long between updates, then I don’t want to write them, because there’s too much to say. So I don’t. And then it gets worse. Eventually, you get to the current situation, where I’ve only made 2-3 real posts in the last 1/2 year. Sad.
This time, I think I’ve had a good excuse. You know, becoming a doctor and all. Last week (Dec 4), I successfully defended my PhD thesis in front of my committee and many great friends and family who came to watch. The month beforehand had been nearly 100% dedicated to writing my thesis, which I finished just before Thanksgiving, with many thanks to Chris, who forced me to actually work on the weekends and evenings (and week days), rather than procrastinating. I’m still working on the final touches to my thesis, but I plan to have the final copy turned in to the Graduate School by this Friday.
Thesis pictures:
http://picasaweb.google.com/saroberts/20091204ThesisDefense# The day after my defense, Christine and I flew to Albuquerque for our “thesis honeymoon”, a trip to check out the city and look for a place for me to live. After visiting upwards of 15 houses, we found one we were both happy with, a nice 3-bedroom house in the north east part of town. It’s an older house, but should suit both of us quite well for the upcoming year. We also had some time to catch dinner with Kristianto, eat at Kurtis and Jenny’s favorite restaurant, and check out some of the major sites in the area.
http://picasaweb.google.com/saroberts/20091206AlbuquerqueHouseHunting# Since we’ve been back, it’s been hard to get back moving on work. However, with only a week remaining at work, I’ve got to kick it into gear. I’m really hoping to be completely done with everything before I go back to Kansas for Christmas break, but I may have to grade some final reports at home. However, there will be no research! After Christmas, it’s on to Albuquerque!
Originally published at
http://saroberts.com. Please leave any
comments there.