Jul 02, 2013 04:41
Good news is the pacemakers been put off at least a couple of years. Nicchi was very please with the EKG the results of wearing the monitor for 24 hours and my pulse is up. He signed a consent form so that I could go off the warfrin for 5 days and than go back on the next day after the operation. Bad news is I have no surgery date yet. It seems since no one bothered to call and tell me and I ended up calling, the plastic surgeon's office hasn't set up anything yet because the breast doctor's scheduler has been out till today. I had an appointment yesterday with the breast doctor but was cancelled at the last minute due to the fact she was still in surgery and didn't know when she would be out. She was suppose to call me yesterday late afternoon but I never heard from anyone. Who knows when I'll hear. I'll probably end up calling again. I'm bummed out about it; I want a plan of action and I want it like last week. I keep telling my self there is a purpose for everything to keep getting delayed but I haven't figured it out yet. I am not a patient waiter, never have been. I do well with lists and time frames. I only like to come out of my comfort zone on my own terms and in today's world you just don't get that luxury. Well hardly ever. I want to be able to tell family, friends and work (including myself) when this is all going to happen so I can plan accordingly. Sigh I know I am being a baby.
Thank you for commenting to me, it is greatly appreciated and most helpful. Keeps my mood up (which is hard work I know). I hope all are well and happy.
pacemaker and surgery news