Nov 13, 2010 15:01
Last weekend went over really well, especially considering the weather. Seeming hoardes of people! OK, there were probably 50 all told, and a lot of kids, and I knew most of them, but not all by any means. Bobbie was surprised the chickens laid at all the next day after all the handling they got.
Friday night I made a triple batch of the potato leek and bacon soup for everyone. It went down all right, I should've had the potatoes cooking a bit longer.
Keith and I decided things were a bit too quiet, so we convinced each other we'd add a rooster to the mix. We got Velocirooster and tossed him into the garage, where all the smokers were hanging out. The result was a little disappointing; the rooster hunkered down and went to hide under a table. Two of the girls freaked out and expressed a fear of chickens. Mike picked up the bird and tried to get them to conquer their fear and pet him. They fled into the house.
Jerry comes out in defense of the fair maidens and chewed out Mike for trying to force the rooster on them. Heehee.
Tommy: "It's the black cock she's scared of if it were a white cock she'd be all right with it."
Coyote & Ludo hit the hot tub. Coyote introduced me to a new and powerful rum called Kracken. Damn. Reminiscent of Stroh 80 but a little smoother. Good stuff, and not for consumption in large quantities.
Saturday Amanda made fry bread... OMG Yum.
We Had some issues with the septic system, which seems to have healed itself. I think the outlet to the drain field was clogged. Dan was convinced they'd have to call in the cavalry and replace the whole schmeer. Thank goodness no.
Saturday I spent most of the evening by the fire bit with Krystal, Jax and family. Cute baby scottie. Aww. Brian and I would safari into the house to retrieve food-the house was packed full of people.
Sunday morning Rodney made french toast, yum! Sue & Keith came back out. Sue & I went for a walk, taking the first mile of the Wallace Falls trail where there's a spring with THE best water coming out. Sue & I dank as much as we could handle and I brought the rest back to make "sacred coffee".
It was great to party with everyone! Thanks for coming out!