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Jun 19, 2007 20:59

Having trouble wrapping my head around this latest job. Woof.

Gothkittyn shared her awesome alfredo sauce, pasta and shrip with us yesterday. Dayam that stuff is good. Right after that we got invited to a benefit dinner for one of my clients (Penmet Foundation). Where we had appetizers and dessert, I left a donation, but felt kinda silly knowing it would end up back in my account after the next billing cycle. Has anyone worked for a .org before? How does this work?

Anyway, Bev & Charlie were gone for the day, thankfully the grandparents came over to sit the 3-year-old. I got my loose ends tied up for the most part.

Mike and I were hanging out in the back pasture with the baby goats, and he lay down in the grass when Flora, the Alpine decided to walk across his chest. She only weighs about 40 lbs, still looked like it hurt, those hooves are sharp.

I fixed the fence in the back pasture and left the goats out there, grazing blissfully until about 5, when I see them in the front yard. ?!
Turns out I might as well have left a trail of grain to the OTHER hole in the fence, which you could, quite literally, drive a truck through. Doh.

The gaots seem fine for their experience. They don't seem to have got to the poisonous plants, so it could've been a lot worse. Their periodic cries for attention are REALLY hard to ignore. Mike loves those kids.

I miss the rain forest already. Being away from reminders of shit I gotta do, the smell, the wildlife, the crystal blue river... *sigh*. I've got at least five more slots in my camping quota this year, methinks. The beastie's in need of a reorg and culling of unnecessary crap since the move.

quinault river, kids, goats, camping, web design, graves creek, work

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