The highlight of yesterday, aside from the internet being down and my house swarming with Comcast dudes(OK, a couple of 'em were kinda cute, but not crushingly so): I ask Mike if he can design a thermometer for an NPO client that they can update themselves to indicate how close they are to their fundraising goal.
He asks ne to make the images for it, which I crank out in five minutes and send to him.
45 minutes lated he turns his screen around and there's the thermometer, with the red line -animated- going to the top and back again in an almost hypnotic fashion.
"You are such a showoff."
Homer simpson voice: "Woohoo!..Doh!...Woohoo!...Doh."
Half an hour later he had one the client could actually USE.
Turns out they don't have PHP on their host server.
"Ill make it in ASP." Says Mike.
They don't have ASP either.
So once the bloody internet is up I upload it to and link it via Iframe to a page I throw together on their site. Done. Happy client.
Other stuff I got done yesterday: A comp for the website I mentioned a couple posts ago, its not jaw-dropping, but(IMHO) it's cooler than all but one of the competition's. I haven't heard from the owner. This stresses me out, because if I don't hear from them right away on a comp, I assume they hate it and are avoiding me. They might just be asking for others' opinions, but it stresses me out; especially when they've sent me e-mails regarding other stuff.
*pace pace fidget pace*.