Dec 30, 2006 15:31
So the heat going out was PROBABLY the circuit board; I'm still wondering if we got taken for a ride on that one. Regardless, WE HAVE HEAT! 12 volt, propane heat. Not that crappy electric stuff.
After a footsie fight over the heater this morning not to mention difficulty getting out of a warm bed to an ambient 50 or so degrees, Mike suggested going down to the RV place and getting a catalytic propane heater. That was all good until we saw the price tag. *gag* 450 bucks plus tax.
"We'll test the board for you." Says the owner.
Mike gave me the "I'll stay here while you go get it" look.
I handed him my Leatherman and told him to familiarize himself with it while we drove the two miles back to the beastie, singing ♪I would do anything for love...but I won't do That♪
I totally could have removed it myself: It was two wires and a screw, though it took Mike half the time as he was already familiar with the thing, and this probably saved us some money as he wasn't wandering around in the store for 20 minutes. We returned, dude took it in back for all of two minutes and returned, stopping short of throwing it on the counter and handing the board to Mike "It'd make a good doorstop."
Okaaaay and a replacement board is ....150 bucks! Ow. "It better give fookin' backrubs, too." In the long run, its better than having the electric heater running, and that's 1/3 of the cost for a catalytic propane heater, which would take up a bunch of space we don't have.
We hit the food co-op across the street for real milk. Speaking of...NINE bucks for milk they didn't DO anything to?! I'm all about raw milk, but there's such thing as a price point. What happened to SIX? We settled for a half gallon with more grumbling.
Home, Milk in fridge (which seems ridiculous, considering the temperature) Mike hooks up the board, turns on heater: The fan clicks on, the igniter clicks on, no clunk. There needs to be a clunk. The clunk is the valve opening and letting the propane in. "Zere ees no Clunk! Ve need Ze Clunk!"
Fuck. We switch it off.
Pacing, smoking, pacing, pacing. Thinking about what to do, Mike tells me its the solenoids(dude, what..EVAR). I'm mulling how multiple things could be broken at once, the place closes in 45 minutes, and how I'm going to dispose of the bodies. Mike checks the connections, bravely putting his precious digits in dangerous territory. He switches on the heater again. Fan on, igniter clicks, I sigh.
Clunk, Roar. Big silly grins, hands over the exhaust port: HEAT! GLEE!
"Could've just been the connections" Says Mike.
Mike: Ve hef ze vely tasty milk! Geev us money or ve destroy ze flavor!
circuit board,