yes my mother knows i'm a thespian!

May 19, 2004 22:19

So yes..I've been slacking again. I'm really busy with madness..and I just haven't really had time to. So let me recap my week since Friday night. Well Friday night was the choir banquet...that was a lot of fun. I really liked my outfit and everyone looked sooo nice! Plus all the dancing was a blast...I swear I was like bouncing of the walls! I had a slammin time! Hmm well Saturday I didn't get to sleep in...I had to go makeup stupid drivers ed madness. So me and Amanda went to makeup it up together..and we were there till 11 but I still had to stay for another 30 minutes cause I got there late one day. There was a 30 minute lunch break..but I had nothing to do and I was just planning to sleep on the couch there or something...but instead I went with Amanda and her parents to Subway (yay for food!) and then they dropped Amanda off at I was just chilling with the Sauceda's till they brought me back to DE. The rest of the day I took a nap..and cleaned my room. That night was Alisha's birthday party..woop woop! That was fun..I was in a laughing mood. We watched Gothika..but I kinda ruined it cause I would not stop making fun of it and I was goofing off a lot. Hmm well Sunday I woke up I couldn't go to church..which makes me sad cause I wasn't there last week cause we went out of town..but no matter what I'm going this Sunday! I think I did something Sunday..but I can't remember. I probably just slept and did homework. Hmm well school is crazy for me...cause I'm really far behind in English and I've been doing that all day...and I'm kinda nervous about my grades. What's been going on in theatre..hmm..well last night was the Thespian Honor Society induction ceremony. It's a honor society for theatre..hehe! I didn't do that great on my monologue..but I did awesome on my speech. I had everyone crackin up..oh and can't forget the lovely quote by me Lora mentioned..haha! Aghh..but when I signed my name on this document madness...I mispelled it! I put AMBRE! That's kinda sad..but it was great fun! Today after school I had showcase practice..which was really pointless if you ask me..I'm really mad about that cause I just stayed there for 2 hours..and we didn't even go over the stuff I was in..gahh! Tomorrow is dress rehearsal during class and after school..bleh! Well I'm really tired and I need to do some last minute studying for Geography and English stuff. I'm ready for this week to be over. Oh and Austin have like fifty parties to go to this weekend! Ok so not exactly fifty..but you know what I'm saying! the Amber is out..have a slammin night..thou shall post tomorrow hopefully! Muchos love fools!
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