May 04, 2004 21:54
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted..I've been lazy. Well hmm I'm soo glad no more TAKS madness! Once that's's just fun stuff at school..well sorta haha. Yea uhh..not a lot of excitement has been going on at school..just choir and theatre madness. Haha in choir we have to dance to the songs we are singing for our spring concert..and omg it's umm interesting! Austin and I are dancing together in one of our songs..and he has to like kneel and I sit on his leg..and he got a bruise the size of texas on his knee! Poor Austin! Haha but we got soo lost and was hilarious..and like today we got in trouble for laughing..not really in trouble but she was like stop the laughing! Anyways soo umm Friday night Jacob Rienstra invited me and Austin over to watch Win a Date With Tad Hamilton..and even though we had seen it..we still went to watch Mr. Pig! That movie cracks me up..haha! I stayed over there till like 11:30..then walked back to Austin's house and we were wanting to play a joke on someone..but it didn't work out..and then the Ambs went home! So Saturday was a BLEH day! I had to go make up a day of drivers ed that I I was up there at 9 in the morning till like wasn't that bad. Just had to watch some videos and junk. When I got home computer wasn't turning on..and I was like what the devil?! Well the night before my dad unplugged me..and told me I couldn't get back online till I cleaned my room and junk...AGHH! My room was SUPER messy and it took me forever..and I finally got on at like 9. In other words..I was Cinderella for the day! (Just like you Kristin! Kidding babe!) Umm then Sunday was really nice..this chick sang at our church and she was really good..her name is Terri Lynn and I got her cd. Oh and my aunt had her after church I went to visit her and aww he's so cute. She named him Jax..pronounced like jacks haha. To me that's a slammin name..some people don't like it..but I think it's original! Anyways umm Monday since we had a holiday I slept in and I had to babysit Connor and Ty..then had drivers ed from 4-6..bleh! But after that..Kristin Michael and their friend Debbie..who is now Amber's new friend...came by and invited me over to Krusty's I walked over there with them..and chilled! Haha we watched some interesting movies..and just goofed off and junk..I had a good time! Soo then today was school madness! Woo only a few weeks left! Ohh next week is going to be's FUN week for theatre. You shall be seeing the Amber doing and wearing some uhh interesting things! I'm excited though! I have a lot of madness going on for theatre and choir..woo! Well I'm making Alisha a good luck card cause she is nervous about Ned and Co tryouts..I'm sure she will do great! Hehe..well enough blabbing..the Ambinator is out! Have a slammin day..or night..w/e!