Dec 24, 2009 01:08
We always celebrate Christmas on the 23rd of December.
Why do I mention this at all you ask? Maybe it will give you a glimpse of how much I care for Christmas at all. No doubt, I love Christmas trees, Christmas decoration, Christmas sweets, Christmas songs... I just have issue with Christmas itself. Well. Not the thing I wanted to talk tonight anyways.
Maybe I am slightly drunk. Slightly.
I think it is the perfect day to celebrate my coming out. NOT what you think. I am done with this thing for years already. Tonight we celebrate my 'Charlie' coming out. *laughs*
Most people here I know since 2005 and I know them due to Fallen Knights and Live Journal. Since then I never used anything that was similar to a real name. I registered more for fun than anything else so I used the name 'sarmatianknight' for a reason. The name was and IS still correct in a way but IF I would have known how long I would stay on LJ, I would have chosen another name probably. No, surely. I am not a friend of name changes because I like things to stay like the are. Why changing?
And I forgot what the point was I wanted to talk about.
Anyways, if I would choose a name online I would go for CD Ward. Charlie. Charlies should have red hair and blue eyes. They never drink and I think they are honest to no end. I am afraid, I am not. I have black hair and green eyes, I drink and I am honest but sarcastic.
I love to sign my posts with 'Your Knight' but tonight it will be
Your Charlie.
P.S.: Blame the rum.