I would like to point out how greatful I am that
lessy37 was so patient with me during the last months and returned to write things with me. Ask her, I was nervous to no end after such a long time without doing any writing. It only took four or five posts in total - and we are back to normal. It is like we never stopped it at all. At least that is my personal feeling of it.
I just told her today that it is like we are moving somewhere between movie and legend of King Arthur, which I really like.
Talking about writing and King Arthur: I stumbled over a story I started back in 2005. I never finished it because I am lazy and not made for novel-like stories. Most of the time I am losing interest because there are so many ideas and so few time, and last but not least: I do not get paid for all the work. But stumbling over that story I think I will pick it up again. The storyline was pretty good - at least in my opinion but I have to say that, right? It is about Lancelot returning back home after 15 years. So yes, movie verse story.
Beside all the writing stuff, I am stupid. Really stupid. I could not get away from my bike today although it was hot. It was really hot out there and I think the approx. 1100 kcal my body needed in that hour out there was just too much. I had to deal with a terrible headache for the rest of the day and my head still feels like exploding. Now. As all drugs are not helpful yet, I will give sleep a try.
Your Knight.