Apr 12, 2010 17:45
Sage Renee is 4 weeks old!
Wow! I forgot how time-consuming a newborn can be. We all love little Sage so much, but of course I am the one she wants/needs almost all the time. The kids get their turn holding her, but for the most part she is nursing or pacifying with me. She is awake more and more and having longer "quiet-alert" times where she is happy to just look around and hang out. She is always listening to the kids or whoever is in the room talking. She could care less about music or movie sounds, but she was interested in the crackling sound of a plastic-wrapper from some snack the kids were eating.
She is a very slow eater, more of a snacker. It takes her forever to eat, so she's basically nursing all the time still. She has gained some and is almost at her birth weight. I am still working on her latch, and hoping to get rid of the supplement. She won't take any pacifier, so car rides are awful!
Eain has gained a ton of weight. He feels like a ton of bricks to me. No wait, that's just because I'm used to tiny Sage, he feels so much heavier to me now... He is talking so much more now, and is mostly understood by non-family, so I don't have to translate anymore. =) Still working on the potty-training (sigh)
Makaela is going through books so fast, it's hard to keep up! She's been reading the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce, and the Series of Unfortunate Events books. I am reading the 100 Cupboards series to her. We're about to start the 3rd book this week.
Alanna is cranky because I won't let her hold the baby more, but everytime I do, the baby gets fussy. She is not quite the baby-whisperer I was. (Though I can't recall if I was at the age of 6 or not...) Maybe she'll get better in a year or two. She's had the most trouble adjusting to our life-change, but none of them have really had any issues.
I got to see my big brother last week for a short time. I am still hugely distracted and having trouble focusing on conversations, so I hope I didn't blunder too badly talking to him and catching up. I'm really glad he came to meet his new niece and spend some time with me. I miss seeing him like I used to, and wish we could be closer. I think about him a lot.
I think that's about all I am going to get out today. Wish I had more free time to type, but I hear it gets better. =)