-LOVED this episode. It was perfect.
-I'm sorry to see Gordon go. He was such an ass but he was a great character you have to agree. Bye Gordon.
I had a feeling he was going to become a vampire, I always thought that would be an interesting turn for his character to go through. That was the spoiler I accidentally saw a couple days ago, that he got turned so I was right but I didn't want to know before the episode.
-I have to watch it again so this is just what I remembered.
-The last scene was the best. I didn't get what Dean was doing until he said something. RUINED THE MOMENT. But it was a good scene.
-I LOVE Sera and Kim. They are the best duo besides those other two.
soydolcelatte said this. Oh, Kim and Sera did the episode. GET THE FUCKING TISSUES, and you know its true.
-I love to hate Bela, but she needs to go. Dean has to kill her. What a bitch. There is no way she can redeem herself, seriously. She causes nothing but trouble. I think she's starting to get on my nerves just a little bit.
-Perfect episode. Lots of stuff going on, not boring, not confusing, and the brothers scenes were perfect. Brought back three previous characters and they all did a good job, got rid of two of them. Even the minor characters did a good job. I'm sure its all thanks to Kim, no question.