
May 07, 2010 10:45

I haven't even watched last nights episode yet, but I'm about to rectify that right now. The simple reason is that my sister came home yesterday and she didn't want to watch it but after that gross beginning I could wait, she's finished school for the year but she bought a basement suite and is now living in Vancouver but she came home for Mother's Day. She's also going to be away for three months, she's going to Alberta for a job that starts in June so we won't be seeing her practically all Summer.

So, off to watch Supernatural and maybe I'll come back and make a post. I just really want to read what my flist has said, the first time I've had to ignore them cause I haven't watched yet. *cries*

I watched Avatar last night with my sis. Actually better than I thought it was going to be but damn it was long. We finished it around 12:30 after starting it just before ten.

real life

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