Time to have some fun with this.

Jul 16, 2006 03:49

Stolen from a friend's journal. She stole it from another friend's journal. <3
Hmmm, looking at this, I'm wondering if I should write it twice... Once for 'DD' and one for myself. Few people will understand 'DD' and I like it that way. (If you're a friend on my LJ, I'll likely tell you if you ask <3 But I know of certain people who moniter this journal that I don't want to know. You know who you are!)

Daily Thoughts...

Humbling experiences are: Very interesting usually... I need to experience more of these. I'm more arrogant than I'd like to be.

Sincere apologies are: The only apologies that should be given. I'm a hypocrite for this one too. But then again, all humans are on occasion, it's just life.

Stereotypes are: OMFGUNERD! Lol, I think they're stupid, but they're fun to screw with. They make great parodies!

Music is: Full of meaning if you listen to the right stuff. It can stabilize your emotions, help you understand situations, and music generally allows people to look inside themselves, if you feel for the personal meaning that songs have for you.

Friends are/can be: Those who'll help you up when you fall, but knock you down if you need it. A true friend will NOT ever carry you over an obstacle, under any circumstances, but they will give directions over/around the obstacle.

Suicide is: Something I know how to detect in a person far too well for my tastes... And I seem to be very good at helping people step away from it. Not for me, but I know too many people who it is for.

Cutting is: One other thing I know and understand far too well for my own tastes. Not for me, but I know too many people who it is for.

Drugs are: Something I've fucked up with, but have learned to stay away.
Cars are: Point A to Point B fast, yet they're a cancer on the earth as well... I'll keep my bike unless I'm going from one city to another tyvm.

Complicated situations are: Oh so interesting! I picking at them and picking at them... It's a vice of mine, even if I'm not wanted, if I see it, I pick, and pick... Sometimes I get the answers I seek, other times, I do not.

Spiritual experiences are: Spiritual experiences are a requirement to living a full life. Many people feel empty and get depressed because they have no spiritual grounding. Some people can live life without spirituality, or maybe they have spiritual grounding in other ways. But many people are shells of what they could be because they lack spirituality. My experiences are VERY varied, and VERY confusing. I have found my own path, and I walk it. Every path eventually leads to the same result. What that result is, many people debate about, but none actually KNOW for sure that theirs is 100% true. You may believe it to be true to the point where you say it's true and that you know it is. But you don't really know until you've been there. I believe everyone must find their own path, and everyone has their own path to walk. Go forth, and become spiritually enlightened. It'll help you grow as a person.

Boyfriends/Girlfriends are: Right now, I see relationships as too many people's idea as a means to an end. "Hi, I like you, let's date so we can fuck." There are not enough people willing to get into a meaningful relationship with another. Guess what people! Take your fucking time with a relationship. kthxbai

The opposite sex is: Far more annoying in some aspects, but far less annoying in others. The ones I get along with, I adore, the ones I don't get along with... Well, let's just say, with the opposite sex, either I get along great with them, or they hate my guts. And sometimes it changes faster than I can see or understand.

Painful experiences are: Growing experiences for life. Pain is an aspect of humanity that keeps us going. Without pain, we question existance. Yet too much pain, and we question existance as well. We're screwed up, are we not?

Emotions are: The building blocks of humanity. Without them, we are nothing. With them, we're a trainwreck! Emotions give us our willpower and our motivation to move forward! Yet they also hold us back. Emotions define us as human beings.

Wishes are: TRUE Wishes are dreams we wish to accomplish. Things that we would like to do with or during our lives. Without wishes, we would have nothing, yet, those who don't build the motivation to achieve those dreams, can become depressed if they think about it too often. Or... To loosely quote Berserk (Take something said from it and modify it a bit). (I consider Dreams to be much like Wishes). Dreams are like small flickering flames, many people don't have the motivation to achieve them, so they will all fall in under a stronger flame, the Wish or Dream of one with the motivation and drive to accomplish it at whatever the cost. Many dreams will flicker out, but before they do that, they will build and fan the larger one. Eventually making it a bonfire. The bonfire will eventually become reality, but at what great cost? The dreams of those that helped make it reality will have been lost, forgotten in the blaze of the larger dream. Too many people live like this. I will not follow that trend... But it seems I will become one of the larger flames, if what I am considering takes full fruitation (more on this in an email that some people may recieve, ask about it and I'll likely answer).

Confusion is: Confusion is the lifeblood of curiosity. Without curiosity, there would be no science or philosophy, nor would there be spirituality or religion. Confusion is a part of life that must be there.

Loneliness is: An emotion that is felt when one is deeply missing another. Or when someone realizes they're screwing up many friendships, and realizes that they're mostly alone... Or, the third, (and often most likely), cause of loneliness; When someone forgets who the people closest to them are, and has forgotten how many people actually care about them and are there for them. Loneliness is also caused by boredom and being ditched and not knowing why. It sucks, it's not fun to be lonely. But if you caused it, you deserve it, I'll say that. And I'll also say I've been there.

Loneliness and being alone are: If you're actually alone and feeling lonely, either it's way too fuggin late at night, or way too fuggin early in the morning and you're wasting your life away on a computer! :P XD Or you've fucked up, or your friends are on vacation or somesuch thing. I'll take a run with the you've fucked up: You should learn from your mistakes, you do have friends, and people who care about you. If you've pissed them off or screwed up, you can likely get back in with them unless you've really fucked up (see: point of no return). If you've passed the point of no return, get other friends, and learn from your mistakes with your past group. Wisdom is knowledge and understanding through experience. A deep understanding. And if you gain wisdom from this, you've taken more from it than many recieve throughout the early parts of their lives.

Innocence is: Something that our current society is lacking. Something far too brief and beautiful... I miss my innocence. I was far less disturbing a person when I was innocent.

Missing someone is: Painful, but beautiful. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, which is true, but only to a point. If you miss them too much, you resent them for leaving, and that's never good.

Cliches are: Hehehehe, I giggle at cliches, they make for great parodies!

Family is: Family is an important aspect in everyone's life. For some people, it's more important than others. To me, my immediate family, and the family that I'm close to are important, but my ancestors aren't necessarily important to me. Why? My blood doesn't make me who I am. I am who I am. My blood is a part of me, and it's good to acknowledge that. But there are stereotypes and cliches that are attached. I will not let my blood rule me, but I will not rule out my blood. It isn't that important to me, but I do acknowledge it. Your immediate family is the most important however. Cherish and love those who are in your immediate family. You're only under their wing for so long, and you only hold them under your own wings for so long. Once that's over, things change, and life is never the same.

Compassion is: Almost gone from this world, those who are compassionate get fucked over far more often than they should. Those who show compassion, often are mistaken for having ulterior motives, etc. When you have compassion, you hurt. But truthfully, those who have compassion are the most beautiful people of all. (I'm talking true compassion, not compassion just for those close to you.)

Reunions are: Often the most beautiful of moments... They can also be awkward, or just downright painful sometimes... I've been through all three.

Crying is: Perfectly fine and natural, if you've forgotten to cry, please learn to again, your body and spirit's emotional balance will thank you for it.

Sex is: Sex has become a toy for people in this world's society. Sex is healthy and great, yea. But in today's society it has become associated with everything but the beautiful thing that it is. No, I don't conform to the sex only after marriage thing. Sex is something that two consenting mature individuals can and should do if they feel the need. Some people do not wish to do this until after marriage. Good on you! I suppport that, because it's your decision as a mature individual. But, there are many people who practice disgusting forms of sex and sexuality. Rape, seduction, and all that bullshit. Talking someone into doing it, all of that, I disagree with it. You want to do it, do it, you don't, leave it there. Just the same, sex is used to sell everything on the market. Sex is not associated with sex in today's society, it's associated with everything BUT. Watch one set of commercials, and if you don't see at least one commercial advertising something with sex, I'll get on my hands and knees and bow down to you, and give you $50... Make that $100. I'm sick of society's instant gratification crap, and that's why we've got such a low value on sex. I myself have fallen victim to much of this. Much to my own chagrin. But I'm pulling myself away from it.

The term "emo" is: Arg, this is another stupid subject. Emo kids are fucking annoying as all hell. The fashion isn't that bad. But for fuck sakes, grow up. You've got problems? Go to a shrink, talk to your friends/parents/someone you trust/whatever. Just deal with them, don't perpetuate them, and whine about them day in and day out without doing anything about them. If you've got a fucking problem, work through it. You're a human being, and human beings have these things called brains. You think you're unique and being your own person by dressing like that and acting like you do? Sit down, and think on that for a second. It's a fucking stereotype. What? You're not an emo kid!? BULLSHIT, GROW THE FUCK UP. This is directed towards all those people that go full out into the emo stereotype, whining, clothing, etc, included. Or to those people who don't think they're emos, don't dress like them, but pull the emo bullshit. This is not directed towards those who jump into the fashion and STILL BE THEMSELVES.

Depression is: Something that all people go through at least once in their lives. If you don't go through this, you've missed out on a growing experience. The clinical depression is difficult, and I understand that it's no fun, and I don't think clinical depression can be cured... I've heard of one person's imbalances balancing themselves out over time, (growing out of it), but that's only one person, and I'm not even sure if it's true. Either way, it's something that everyone should know how to deal with themselves, and how to help their friends through it.

Change is: Something I try to perpetuate. I go through a lot of change, and I have no problem coping with it for the most part. There are some things I have trouble coping with, but then again, humans tend to be against change for the most part, especially if they're comfortable. Change is a must though, especially in todays society. And people are getting more and more used to the idea of having to change all the time... But is today's society right? I disagree with society in 99.9% of its aspects... But I believe that change is good.

Lies are: The most foul things that exist within this world. I hate lies, dishonesty, and anything to do with that fucking bullshit. Hypocritical of me, because yes, I do lie on occasion. Not often, but I do. To myself, to others. I hate it. I do not believe there are any times where someone NEEDS to lie. To ANYONE who quotes the pregnant wife thing. If you love her, she IS beautiful, reguardless of looks. But, as with everyone, I do have my vices, and lying to appease my curiosity is one thing that I have done, and will do. It may be a vice... And as much as I hate lies, I love getting the truth and answers from others more. So, the scale is tipped, and until I mature enough to tip the scale the other way, or until I find a reason not to, I will lie for this purpose. It's just the truth, and personally... Finding the truth out is one of the most important things that is. Hypocrite? I am one, just as any other human is.

Loyalty is: One of the most important things that exists within this world. I could go on a huge speal about this, but who wants to read that? It's the most important thing in the world to me. The only thing that will shatter my loyalty to my friends is deception, bullshit, and dishonesty. Sometimes on my part, sometimes on others... Dishonesty to thyself can destroy you, and your relationships with others.

Love is: Something everyone searches for, but few find. And considering the fact that few find it... It's used by corporations to sell their products. Fucking instant gratification... (True love I'm talking about. This exists mostly in parents or parental figures towards their children... And in true friendships. Though I find true friendships seem to become more and more rare. Hence the internet becoming the perfect place to find friends who will be true...)

Disney is: I don't like disney, but it's always nice to see someone's face light up in a smile when they watch something to do with it... Especially children.

Life is: Something beautiful, yet full of hardships. Especially in this era. We decide whether it becomes easier or more difficult for our children... I want my children to have less difficulties with life than I did. I would rather decrease the suicide rate than increase it. This can only be done with our efforts. Life is too beautiful to be lost to suicide. If you die, you should die knowing you fought for something you believed in with all your heart, die protecting something you love and cherish, or die happily having lived a full life. Those are the only ways I would want to leave this world.

Random Quizzes are: Fun and insightful if you do the right ones.

HOLY SHIT, if you read all of that, I'm impressed... When I make a post, I make a post. Lol, I guess that's just how I am. <3

I've got one or more posts to do later. One is some realizations I've been having since I almost killed myself with alcohol poisoning. Another is a rant about some interesting shit I've been noticing.
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