Jul 20, 2008 00:20
So at my party last night someone spilt a drink on my cable modem and now I ain't got no internet in my room etc. I'm in the living room with my ma's old laptop on my lap nicking someone locals wireless. But its not the same! Its really slow and annoying and wah.
Yeah party was a bit of a strange one. Me and M had a two people party until about 11 when suddenly everyone turned up. By that point we had gotten through rather a lot of wine and I found hosting a bit tricky.
But there was face painting, (Curly did a wicked lightening down the side of my face which made me very happy- electro playgirl all the way, oh yeah), and bindis and and these little gem things and i made funny necklaces out of airfresheners that i thought were really good but no one else did. They kept complaining about the smell, but fuck 'em cos I think they're wicked. Well 'Red Mutha' (the most amazing clothes shop that I'm slightly addicted to). All the music was glasto music and although its blurry I think we had a good time.
JB turned up but by that point i was too drunk to be comprehensible. How annoying. And he looked yum. He's got his hair all Mark Ronson and I likey.
I talked lots about art, maybe slightly coke fuelled discussions, but it was nice. I like Curly more now. Before i thought she was a bit of a sap but acutually she's ok. She wants photoshop lessons which i will give her.
Ended the night just me and sober Lulu with me crying into my vodka re. Numan.
"It's too hard, I just don't know what to do. I think I really like him but I don't want a relationship blah blah blah." Poor Lulu.
And in other news Dr M came too and it was all fine and I am over him and there's no weirdness. I think we are friendys again. I feel like a bit of a tit for my behaviour last year, but hey ho that's the way it goes. He seems happy and I'm glad. His girlfriend is a real sweetie.
I'm running out of fuel so going sleepies now. Night Night X