I just got back from the Emergency Room at CSM

Oct 29, 2006 19:55

So, I told my mom about my throat issues, and she freaked out because I only told her now and it's been going on since Thursday. She asked how bad it was and when I told her I could only get applesauce and things with an equivalent consistency down my throat, she decided I needed antibiotics badly. Yay. So she made me go to the ER at CSM (Columbia St. Mary's for those who don't know). Anyway, we spent about and hour and a half there, not bad, if I do say so myself...

To learn nothing. I have a viral infection of some sort. Not strep. Apparently any little white dots that I saw... are irrelevant. Yay? They told me to take an advil/tylenol cocktail every few hours and that should be wonderful, but if it isn't better in a few days, I should go to my regular doctor for more help and fun stuff like that. Totally worth the ER cost. Totally.

Oh well, at least I didn't have to go to Norris to be told I have mono...

And now, for my first cocktail of many!
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