i was hacked a bout a week ago on my myspce account agian i figured out how i got hacked again but this is not the issue when i was hacked a stupied comment has been sent to all of my friends list and among them was kevin weisman and that when i got the message from him the comment was
my friend emma thinks that your are pretty cool so plz add her on your msn so kevin sent me a message telling me is that true or anther myspace spam i was very excited to see amessage from from kevin but not ofcourse the same feeling that i had when i saw david anders message and although kevin's message was not cozy liks david but i was really happy that i got this msn from both of them so i hope i will also get amessage from micheal vartan soon anywho i sent amessge to kevin telling him that i am very sorry and that comment was added by mistake and i was hacked and guess what he replayed to my message and told me it was ok he was hacked himself before