[Locked to April]

Mar 02, 2009 20:54

The CLF aside, Chicago does, in fact, go on and I'm not one to sit and hide when I'm perfectly capable of handling any threat that might cross my path. As are you, actually... As you've proven countless times before.

The point of this is that I don't suppose we've actually made many attempts to do anything together, primarily because I'm not really that sort of person and spontaneity is hardly my strong point, but it's been brought to my attention that.... Perhaps I need to lighten up, stop analyzing everything, and actually do something other than whatever I'm doing, which, honestly, appears to be a whole lot of feeling sorry for myself.

And now to the actual point... Is there anything you particularly want to do? Your choice- anything you want. I've found myself in a mood where I'm willing to try almost anything within reason.

what: journal entry, btr:locked:april, verse: beyond the rift

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