When will video card manufacturers, or at least the companies that integrate their chips into laptops or tablets, offer more damned video upgrade options that make fucking sense? I'm sick of perusing eBay and other Black Sites to find someone whose peeled their system apart and is selling just the video card, which is the only part I want.
What's my issue? I want a dual core tablet PC with something better than an ATI X1400 with 64mb of ram. Dell can manage a 7900 GTX 512MB in a chassis. What's wrong with getting that option on something like a tablet?
Yeah - it's GPU overkill for typical tablet options. But dammit, give me the option! I want this at purchase times, you marketing droids! That, or give me a legitamite upgrade path and schedule for the GPU that shows what's coming 6-12 months down the line.
Tender, but better. Though rolling over in bed this morning, which was normally impossible, produced an audible popping sound that I don't know what to make of. And then there was the pain. Either I slept with a sword or I think a rib stabbed my pancreas.
Come Friday, that will be my 12th consecutive day w/o a day off. Working like this mentally takes a toll sometimes. I'm absorbing a lot and getting a lot done - the reward is knowing *gets censored by work blackops* and that's nice