Went to bed late, and woke up early 'cause of wierd dreams. Like, the kind where for some reason me and my roommates are driving with all our stuff in a trailer, part at my parents house, unpack EVERYTHING(refrig, couches, TV, etc) and simply stay the night... then morning rolls around and we're having to pack it all back up, I get a phonecall from my mom reminding me it's Mothers Day and she was wondering if I forgot and so I had to appologize and try to come up with flowers quick right as a nest of fireants begin consuming my lower body. In a way, I'm glad I woke up... that dream was going to hell quick.
So spent the early pre-dawn hours cleaning up a bit. Last weekend I picked up a new LCD monitor (8ms response time = awesomeness for gaming), and just installed my old Dell 15in LCD. It's like half as bright, only supports 800x600, and is grainy. Damn the technology has come a long way. I still have part of my bonus left over from work, might be evil and spring for a cheap 17in LCD to replace the old one. Still, freakin nice to have a functional multimonitor station once more. I've got it at work, and home makes it damn sweet. My goal is to eventually get Maya on my main screen and Photoshop, docs, etc, on the second to aid with my learning.
Life has calmed down since the move thankfully. Work is a busy hum, and not an overwhelming roar, even though I complain about it a bit too much, heh. I've almost got things situation with the room, even having been in here +2 weeks almost I still have to get used to it. Family life is, as always, a bit crazy, but at a distance. That situation requires a post all on it's own, tho I doubt I'll take time to write it up.
Think it's coffee time. Been trying Kicking Horse for the last couple months -
http://www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/ I strongly recommend them. Their Three Sisters blend in the french press is damn sweet. Got half a pound of their Kootenay Crossing left. I find it hard to choose one roast over the other thus far, but the Mocha Yoho is also great, if a bit light. 2 things if you do order - 1. It's in Canada, expect to pay a bit more for shipping and to wait a bit as well. 2. They have a reference program, so if you order and tell them I sent ya, I get a pound free, heh.
And yes, HOLY CRAP I updated. WOW.