ROTPS again

Jan 06, 2022 06:27

If I fixate on a different detail of ROTPS, Kathy's last moments annoy me less.

She makes that comment about how Olivia and Elliot were still so in sync, just like the old days, and then is like, "You two really haven't spoken in ten years?"

When Olivia says she hadn't even known Elliot was back on the job, Kathy says Elliot had told her that and she hadn't believed him.

Oh. Oh. Okay. Insisting they go to Olivia's award ceremony and then making a comment about how in sync they still are makes so much sense if Kathy thought Elliot had been lying to her and pointedly not mentioning communication with Liv. Maybe it's not her being weirdly invested in them; it's her being suspicious of them and trying to catch them in a lie.

And god damn if that doesn't explain the contents of the fucking letter. (Especially if you combine it with my firm belief "you would've loved it" implies Elliot spent no small amount of time in a fantasy land -- excuse me, he prefers the term "parallel universe" -- where Olivia was with him in Rome.) What we were too each other wasn't real. I hope you have a nice man like you deserve. Oh.

It's not a particularly kind reading of her, but at least it's coherent. Or maybe it isn't unkind: if you think your husband is having a long distance emotional affair, it's not unreasonable to try to find the truth and end it. Sure, Elliot said they'd been happy, but Elliot has a long track record of being Mr. Denial O. Blivious about their marital issues.

Anyway, for now, I am into this theory. Dreamwidth: Comment | Read Comments

fandom: law & order

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