Dec 29, 2021 01:33

Hey, quick question about season eight of SVU: what the fuck?

I feel like we'd all be better off if we placed this season directly in the bin and set it on fire. No Simon, no Stabler marriage reconciliation, no Olivia whimpering Elliot's name in her sleep, none of it. Just -- garbage, fire, scatter the ashes. When Dallas did that, they lost some important character development, but SVU? Nah, just douse it with kerosene, strike a match, and try again.

I don't even know what to tell you is wrong with it. It's a different show than the first seven seasons (and this is glaringly obvious because I just went back and finished S1), but it hasn't hit the so-ridiculous-it's-enjoyable mark that my favorite season 11 episodes hit. It's like they didn't know what to do, so they just did stuff for the hell of it? Or someone told them to make the show more character-driven, but they didn't really like the characters they were stuck with?

Actually, yeah, that's exactly it: it's got Major Crimes season six vibes and I'm bouncing off them hard. At least I've only got a couple more to go. Dreamwidth: Comment | Read Comments

fandom: law & order

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