Ah-ha! I am indeed where I am supposed to be with the Kilbride story. Ayanna saw Nova in Kilbride's office, met up with her, and asked what was up. Nova says he got her into the Marcy Killers because he knows... someone whose position in the gang I'm not perfectly clear on... from way back, but other than that, it's above her pay grade, and now Ayanna wants to keep it quiet while she works out what's going on.
Which I'm sure is going to go great and not backfire at all.
However, now I have a new question. Nova wanted to know who Ayanna was with at Kilbride's office, and then she got kind of funny when Ayanna said it was her wife. Is Nova just sad because it reminded her the woman she wanted to marry got killed? Or is there going to be something between Nova and Ayanna? Considering this was shortly after Ayanna asked if she could keep Nova on the task force, I'm sort of thinking the second one.
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