Sep 14, 2007 13:38
So when we bought our couch they sold us this thing that for 8 years no matter what happened to our matter how god awful it was, or whose fault, that they would come and clean or fix it. So since it doesn't matter what happeneed or whose fault it is I don't know why they keep demanding so much detail on their form...but here are the actual questions and my actual answers that I put...
Is the damage a stain: yes
Please specify the stain: A crusty spot
Explain in detail the damage you are reporting: The cushion is crusty where something was spilled on it, possibly milk.
Explain in detail the specific incident or accident that caused the damage: In theory I believe my son left a glass of milk by the couch and dog knocked it over. I did not see it happen. I just found the crusty spot and the empty cup on the floor
Did you attempt to clean or repair the damage? Yes
If yes, what did you use? Resolve Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner
What was the result: The result was a crusty spot that smells nice.