Jul 29, 2007 21:13
Saturday morning...6:00 in th emorning....James comes busting into my bedroom...looking like Bill the Cat.....and declares that he just got the call that they had shut down Yamaha. If you don't know what that means let me explain it. You've heard of Yamaha...you can guess how much money we are talking about....hundreds of millions.....when we are talking about the production line at Yamaha. We'll the paint failed...I think it had adhesion problems...and they were not able to make anymore motorcycles. It's a HUGE deal. James has to go in to work and will have to fly down there. It is our niece Olivia's first birthday that day...so we are flying around like all hell trying to get him to work to get done in time to make it to some of her party. When it gets late enough we call his parrents..who are coming up for the party...and ask if they can take Conner back with them. I have NO way to transport him to and from day care all week...I have a job interview....an important ritual that I cannot get out of no matter what....work.....all this shit. At the same time....you'll remember I posted the other day...my computer is still not working. So we have to get it taken back to Best Buy before he leaves...because God knows when he will be back. So I have to try to get it backed up....I have no back up of my info anywhere......but it keeps restarting it's self in the middle of the backup and it does two system restores from not being able to get winows started completely before it restarts it's self again...it loses the drivers for the new graphics card...etc etc. So 20 some odd CD's later I did fnally get it backed up. I go to Olivia's party. It was cute...she was precious. She nibbled at her lamb cake and she did the EXACT same thing Conner did at her age, which is point at everything and ask "uts dat?" I loved it. That was fine and went well. We get back home and start packing for Conner and James. We discover Conner has no clean pants and James has no clean work shirts. I do laundry the rest of the night. All the while I have my in-laws and Conner's cousin Dakota who is 7 all three staying here. Linda asks me the same questions every 10 to 12 minutes and then forgets she asked me because she has brain damage (not an insult...literally has brain damage) she and David bicker...the kids chase each other and sneak out of bed at midnight and start shooting each other with nerf guns....I have to register David's new GPS system for him online because they live in the country and don't have the internet. Etc etc etc. Then I realize that we are going to take my computer away tomorrow but i need to print this picture for the ritual Monday nighrt first. So I try. No ink. Nothing...NOTHING has gone right for me for days. So ok...the next morning we get up and go buy ink and come back and print the picture and then take apart the computer and take it to Best Buy. I delude myself at this point into thinking that I am going to be firm, mature, self confident, and get this matter taken care of. I ask to speak to the store manager. At Dillards if you spoke to the store manager and BS like this had been happening to you....by God they would have made it right for you. They would have consoled you, given you a gift card...maybe refunded the 60 bucks in labor I paid to have them upgrade my computer that won't run. They would have assured me the computer would have been fixed or replaced. Thats what customer service was when I worked at Dillards. At Best Buy the girl looked at me like "I could give a shit" and explained to me that you had to send a computer off to be fixed FOUR TIMES before it was considered a lemon. This time when it left today will be time three...so it has to go away...come back....still not work...and go away again....before anyone will try to help me. How long will it be gone each time? This last time it was gone a month? Will it take that long again? Maybe..she doesn't know. Can you do anything to speed it up because of what we've been through? No. Last time it was gone no one ever called me or let me know what was going on? We don't do that. So I have to call and pester you to find out why I still haven't gotten my computer back no matter how long it takes? Yes.
We'll I'm glad I took a firm hand in that. Good for me. So my computer is gone again...where it might or might not be fixed after being gone for any amount of time they choose to take and they will not be letting me know how it is progressing and even after it comes back and does not work again they still won't be helping me except to do the same thing agian one more time. I could just kill.
Ok. So now I go home. Conner is gone. I still have to find a way to get to work Tuesday. I ask my brother...he can drive me. Ok. So now I have rides arranged through Wed ....nope wait...have a download meeting that night. Have to find a ride for it. Hopefull James will be home to drive me to work Thursday. If not then I will let that bridge collapse underneath me when I get to it Suddenly I realize I needed to have a hard copy of my resume and of my references with me for the interview tomorrow. I have no computer to print frm. So I try to install my printer on James computer. Keep in mind I had this printer with Windows 98 and it worked fine. I had this printer with Windows XP and it worked fine...and I had this printer with Windows Vista and it still worked fine. There is NO reason for it not to work on James windows XP computer. But it does not. I have the disk and all that stuff to install it. But it will NOT recognize the drivers. We try to download them off the internet. Nope. Nothing. Nothing we do will make it work. So Funke......who has to come over to borrow 60 somehting towels from us because his upstairs neighbors bathroom has leaked all over his apartment and is peeling the paint off the walls and molding the place.....comes over to do a load of wet towels and take an enomous stack of ours back over there.. I email him the resume and the references. He goes home prints them out...drives them back over here on his way to gaming. Thank you thank you thank you.
I think perhaps I am ready to try to figure out and practice what I will say tomorrow night in ritual....when I decide to lay out what I will wear to my job interview. I always were the same thing to job interviews. Black sharp professional suit with a nice white blouse. I always get hired and I know the outfit scared the hell out of April when she first saw it...so I know it's good. Well it's gone. The whole suit. Just gone. This has happened periodicly every since we moved into this house. I also have a matching top and skirt that I loved and only the top disappeared. Never ever to be seen again. I think this may be the last straw. Where the hell is my fucking black suit? Fine...I have other black suit coats....but THAT one looked very professional and was well cut. My others are from the juniors department and are cheaply made in sweatshops by 5 year olds and you can tell it by looking at them. I could not afford to buy a suit of the quality of the one that turned into mist and floated out the window. It was a hand me down from my sister in law.
So between the interview in the morning and the ritual tomorrow night I am completely nervous. I keep trying to settle down and gather my thoughts for tomorrow morning and night...but this crazy shit keeps happening. I am going to get off of here and pick something new to wear and set down and make myself think through what I am going to say so I can feel prepared.
Ok...vent done. I feel better now.