Oct 09, 2004 23:32
I wish I could change in some dramatic way. I have always looked the same. ZI guess I cant really do anything about that, but I just need a change.
So this four day weekend has kinda been shit. I havnt really done anything except...
Ok, so everyone from my volleyball team decided it would be cool to do something together, so we went and saw Napoleon Dynamite as a team and then went out to red robin for some kick ass burgers.
Ok, so first w saw the movie and me and rachel hear this noise like "ARAAAAHHHDURR" and we turn around and this retard (literally) has his hood over his head and is rocking back and forth while making that noise... And then, I look over, and Cloe is asleep!!!! ASLEEP! So I decide to check to see if she is really asleep, by waving my hand in front of her face, but then I accidentally like karate chopped her and she jolted awake. It was so funny. But then she fell back asleep...Yeah.
Then we went to Red Robin and I got a really good crispy chicken burger and there were too many laughs to count or tell you about there, so I will leave you with this:
Cloe wore her "Shut Up and Fish" shirt... It made my night