Aug 18, 2004 20:30

OK! So another volleyball camp is happenin', and when i say happenin', I mean like the cool and hip kind of happenin'. So I think I am getting pretty good. I hope I at least make J/V 2. There is this really cool girl names Knee, Nee? I dunno how she spells it, but yeah. She is cool and everyone is soooooo nice and they all give each other high-fives tell each other good job or nice try even when they mess up and everybody is just... I dunno like family.

Ok, but the weirdest thing happened to me today. I was on the bus and there was this weird guy sitting in the front of the bus and as I walked buy this is what happened:

Me: get on the bus and walk buy the guy s I can sit down.

Guy: Am I in Heaven? Because I'm lookin' at an angel.

Me: UMMMMMM.....Ok. (I then scurry to a seat far away from the guy)

I guess some people actually do use that line... Who knew?
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