So my aunt is in Washington D.C. this weekend for the Glenn Beck rally (with Sarah Palin, natch!), and while I love her dearly, I just can't read or watch anything produced by that man without it making my skin crawl. So, I'm self-medicating with fake awesome "liberal" Hollywood presidents:
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I'll admit, I love this speech - primarily the bit about how America is "advanced citizenship." I think the line about how Senator Bob Rumsen is "only interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of [the problem], and telling you who's to blame for [the problem]" just about sums up how I feel about Glenn Beck.
And just because it popped up on the related videos list - and given the recent fallout with Dr. Laura Schlessinger - here's fake-president Bartlett from "The West Wing" given the smack-down to a self-righteous "Doctor" who bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain sanctimonious radio host:
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[ETA: damn you, Youtube recommended videos! Now you've got me wanting to watch this film:
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I might not agree with everything she says, but I'm right there with her on the following line:
I stand for the separation of church and state, and the reason I stand for that is the same reason that I believe our forefathers did: tt is not there to protect religion from the grasp of government, but to protect our government from the grasp of religious fanaticism.
::cue swelling music:: /ETA]